Today the demand of online jobs has increased very significantly among the jobless people from all around the India. People are looking for a definite online job source where they can trust. But the main problem is- most of online part-time (online) job provider companies are scams. It is really very tough to distinguish between legitimate jobs and scam jobs for a common person.
On behalf of the first two Act. you definitely can ask for a document of your purchased services/jobs from company. If a company unable to provide a legal document, then please don't purchase any jobs or services from them.
- If you see someone offering overnight profitable policy (like-earn Rs 50,000 from your home only spending two or three hour daily), which is the first sign of scamming.
- Scam people never provides a valid business address and legal documents.
- Some of them using free email service like yahoo,Gmail to contact people, while they have a business website. I.e- contact email-
- You can't chat with any phone member of a scam company.
- Scam people always try to show their genuineness using some unnatural words such as- we are 100% genuine.
- Most importantly, most of the online jobs which offering big earnings for a low effort are simply scam!
If you don't have a legal proof that you really purchased a service or a job scheme, then, you can't do anything but a FIR at your local police station,
So, it is your duty to get a proper document as a proof of your purchased services.
What Indian government saying?
According to Consumer protection Act. you have the right-
- to be protected against the marketing of goods and services.
- to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.
- to be assured, wherever possible of access to variety of goods and services at competitive price.
- to be Heard.
- to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation of consumers.
- to acquire the knowledge and skill to be an informed consumer throughout life.
To know more about consumer protection visit- Consumer protection Act.
Your safety is on your hand. Please don't be attracted to eye caching offers on the internet- you will be scammed.
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