Chitika Ad Types And its Optimization.

Chitika is one of the finest ad networks and it's known as the best Adsense Alternatives. It serves search queries based ads on publisher website. Nowadays, Chiika has made some important changes in its technology and applications to serve better quality advertisements. You can use Chitika, separately or along with the Google Adsense to make money from your website or blog.

Type of Chitika ads:

Currently, Chitika is serving 3 types of ads- Text Ads, List Unit and Mobile Ads. All types of ads are performing based on user search queries. Chitika Text Ads have 25 different ad unit. You can choose your favorite or Chitika recommended ad units for your website, and it will fit perfectly on your blog or website-
Chitika Ad Format

If your website has a certain space to show ads, then you can choose Chitika List unit. It will adjust its height automatically and there will be no ugly space. Some time Text Ads unite will overlap with each other, so it is better to use List Unit ads in that place.

To place List, Unit Ads you need to specify width and how many ads you want to show. See the picture
List Unit
Add caption
# Chitika Mobile Ads are perfectly designed for mobile traffic. This ad units will show at the bottom of the mobile screen. There is no need to have a mobile version website to use the Chitika mobile unit. 

Optimizing Chitika Ads

You can optimize the Chitika ads on your website easily by following these methods-

No#1. Ad placement: As Chitika performs only to search results so, put your ads in those places where your visitor will focus after coming from search engines. That is- Content title, Into the content and side bars. 
Chitika ads placements
No#2. Ad Color: In order to optimize Chitika ads more perfectly, you can use custom colors for each ad unit. It's better to use your website theme color that ads will be look like your site content.

To use custom color, go to Chitika code generator and choose the perfect color of link, text, background and border.

Color set-up
Sign-up chitika today and monetize your blog.


  1. Hey, thank you Majharul for this great article. Will be helpful for my blog.

  2. on chitika dashbord it shows optimize option , where there are status for several option such as , are yout traffic from us, are ur traffic search . should this all be ticked or it will work without it. As my website is approved.


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