How to monetize your blog perfectly.

Blogging is one of the most profitable businesses today. There are tons blogger who has already been earned lot of dollars by utilize their blog traffic.

But it is not an easy task as it appears. You need to know some vital points before going to monetize your blog. Otherwise it may not be work for you.

There are also lot of ways to monetize your blog but it is really too difficult to choose the perfect one.

Choosing the perfect advertisements: As readers are the one and only 
property of your blog so, you have to think twice before placing any kind of advertisement on your blog that whether it will fit on your blog without distracting your readers mind or not.

You should choose the perfect group of advertisements to monetize your blog perfectly. It is not only good for generating highest revenue but also it will make your readers happy.

As a professional blogger it is your duty to make a connection between advertisements and readers.

Let’s try to understand the subject matter more clearly-

The loyal readers of your blog are always believes that every smallest part of your blog is very important to them. Because, they are habituate in reading valuable posts on your blog.

So, you have to choose that group of advertisement which will perfectly fit with your blog topic and also can help your readers at the same time (Advertisements are also considered as information).

Suppose you are a master chef and you have a blog about recipes. So, obviously your readers have tested many great cooking by following your recipes. Here is no doubt that your readers love your blog.

Now we consider following three cases-

Case#1. If you place some spices ads on your blog then obviously your readers will love it. Because it can help them to cook delicious foods.  

Case#2. If you place some kitchen utensils ads on your blog then it will not be so important to your readers. Because kitchen utensils is not 100% accurately related to your blog.

Case#3. If you place car ads on your blog then your reader will totally ignore your ads. Because there is no correlation between car and cook. Not only that but also irrelevant information will heart your personality.

So, it is quite clear that whimsically choosing advertisement is not a good idea to monetize your blog. You have to choose the perfect advertisements for generating maximum revenue from your blog.

At a glance-
  1. Readers are the one and only property of your blog.
  2. Make sure your blog is able to take advertisements.
  3. Know why your readers come to your blog.
  4. Choose advertisements by targeting your blog topic and your reader’s demands.
  5. Choose the perfect one not the profitable one.
Read very carefully about ad quality and ad serving system before choosing your perfect advertising company.

Next- Monetize your blog perfectly-Type of advertising systems.


  1. Hi there,

    I think you need to be very selective about using ads on your blog - as you say, they can be very distracting and counter-productive if you're not careful,


  2. I agree with you. You have to be very careful about this matter because you are a professional blogger.

    Thanks for writing...

    1. A very good knowledge given by you. Thanks man !!!!!!


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