Importance of Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is indicating the number of people who leaving your site just after one page viewExpats and webmasters counts the bounce rate as an important tool to measure user engagement for their website. But, it'll not affect on SEO of your website.

It's very easy to understand that- a lower bounce rate represents a highly user engagement website where people like to navigate more than one page for each session. On the other hand a higher bounce rate indicates a lower user engagement website where most of the people are leaving just after one page view.

Importance of bounce rate

But, above concepts is not 100% working for measuring the success of a website. Because, bounce rate may vary topic to topic and on the user requirements. For instance- if our website is a blog or any information based website, then probably you will get a higher bounce rate (as users might leave the landing page just after getting the right information). On the other hand, bounce rate will be lower for the website like online shopping where users need to navigate more than one page to reach their desired products.

Therefore, bounce rate not correctly indicating the success of a website. The success depends on the Goal conversion rate (Google Analytics) which is not related to the bounce rate. So, I think- bounce rate data are only telling us the user behavior. But, a high traffic with lower bounce rate website will attract paid advertisers very easily.

How to keep your bounce rate lower;

  1. Write informative articles: Write relevant and useful articles using the perfect keywords that your audience can generate much information from your article. 
  2. Link other related articles: You can link your article with other related articles to engage your audience in your website or blog. Make sure that linked articles are relevant.
  3. Keep your writing short and simple: Don't bore your readers. Keep your articles short and simple that all type of readers can access all the information easily.
  4. Fast loading site: You will lose lots of traffic, if your site loads slowly. So, don't use too many heavy script or ads in your website.

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  1. Hi ,

    Thanks for sharing the information ,i also believe that bounce plays a good role. As point of view of advertiser and also if bounce rate is good i mean low that means reader is interested in more to read and indirectly that means that you have quality work on your blog and thats googl love ,so if google love your work , it will automatically give importance to your blog.

    Thank You
    Shorya Bist
    From Youthofest

    1. He Shorya, Thanks yaar for shearing your views!

      Not only Google bout also all search engine will love that.

  2. Hi Dear,
    I agree with you that having a huge bounce rate means that your site is poor in performance, but i don't agree that writing short posts can reduce it.

    Ones your post has meaning, the number of words doesn't matter.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Nwangene!
      I mean write exactly what you want to say. Don't expand your post with unnecessary sentences.

      Thank you for point out the issue.

  3. You left comment in my new blog and from there I found your website.

    I should say "It is a nice and simple post which is really needful for the bloggers to know about the bounce rate". I learned few things here to keep the bounce rate as low.

    Thanks for writing and sharing, keep doing!

    1. Hello Nirmala!
      Thanks for appreciating my work.
      Keep visiting..

  4. HI Hossain,

    Knowing Bounce rate is really very important. I have struggling with the images which I have been using and how to link the different posts based on that.

    Thanks for this share.


  5. Today, the most valuable feature that the meta tags offers the web site owner is the ability to control to some degree how their web pages are described by some search engines. They also offer the ability to prevent pages from being indexed at all. They are a great advance and they are very useful.

    1. Yes I totally agree with you that meta tags is one of the best way to describe your topic for search engine..,

      Thanks for shear your thought.

  6. Publishing quality contents will be reduce bounce rate..


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