Ways to Tet The Maximum Revenue from Your Blog.

It is very sad that your blog is still not profitable as you expected even you have lot of traffic. Not only you boss! Most of blogger are facing this problem recently.

But don't worry! You really can do this because you have the ability, trust me. Just make some change in your business strategy and you will also be a six figure blogger like your idol blogger.

Do you know that making money from blogging is also a part of content marketing? If no, then first you need study about some basic concept on content marketing. 

OK let's find out-

Content marketing is depends on four main pillars-
  1. Traffic
  2. Contents
  3. Advertising programs/products.
  4. Sell/business conversion.
See the picture-
Here we have to discuss the second point first. Because, here in blogging content is everything.

1. Content: Content is the key factor of making huge profit from blogging. Let's see how it works-
  1. Audience comes to your blog.
  2. They read your contents.
  3. You give them some important information through your contents.
  4. They trust on you.
  5. They believe that advertisements on your blog can also important to them.
  6. They make business conversion for you.  
So, points to remember in content writing-
  1. Write truly informative articles by targeting the group of audience.
  2. Be honest in your writing to get your audience's trust.
  3. Keep your writing simple and short.
  4. Use relevant keywords to receive more quality traffic. 
2. Traffic: If you able to write user friendly contents then you no need to worry about traffic. Still then you should promote your blog to get more traffic. 

Now it's time to monitor your traffic behavior. By this process you can easily determine your traffic's requirements. It is very important because, you can correct your mistakes or your weak points by this process. All the eCommerce websites are following this process to increase their sale conversion rate.

3. Advertising programs/products: If you think that you will make maximum revenue by using some highest paying advertising programs or affiliate programs then you're wrong. 

According to content marketing strategy you have to choose the most relevant advertising products for your blog to get maximum revenue

Points to remember in choosing right advertising programs-
  1. Reorganize your blog nature.
  2. Reorganize your audience behavior.
  3. Choose the advertising programs by targeting your blog topic and audience.
  4. Put them in write place in your blog.
  5. Don't over load your blog by advertising programs that will make a bad influence to your readers.
Note: To increase your conversion rate you have to follow those points. Otherwise you will not reach the top earning point as you expected from your blog. 


  1. Hi there,

    I think a lot of bloggers put people off by having too many ads on their sites. Some bloggers only advertise carefully selected products via their email list - that's another good option, to avoid cluttering up your site with ads.

    You make some very important points about the importance of providing high quality content to gain your audience's trust.


  2. Well, too many ads is really such a boring thing to audience. They never come to blog to watch advertising. This is blogger's responsibly to make the advertisements relevant to traders by writing relevant contents.

    Thanks for replay mam!..


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