As a serious online marketer cum business owner, you probably can feel the value of good business contents where most of the potential customers are looking for exact information on the internet before making a purchasing dissection whatever it's online or a local market. Therefore, a well targeted useful content will make a big difference in your overall business conversion rate.
But, as you know that creating a useful and exact targeted content is a real challenge, especially where most of your competitors are investing a lot of money on professional content writers (copy writers also). So, you have to be more accurate while you’re planning your own business content to get a better online consumer engagement.
It’s really a good idea to create your own business content yourself, it's only you who know your business best. But, before going to create your business content, you really need to know that- As a business owner, you can’t create a well targeted and ideal business content for your potential customers. Because, as a business owner, you can’t speak like your customer.
Just relate your products with them:
It’s a human nature that people love to hear something from you which they like to hear from you! Your customer will never care- how beautifully you’ve created your products. They only caring about- how beautifully they can relate themselves with your business products (it might be- pricing, usefulness, designing, popularity, etc.).
For example- Let you have an online jeans store and you want to sell within India. So, it'll be a good idea for you to create your business content with the topic- "Quality jeans at low price;" because, most of the Indians want quality products at a low price.
Read: Understanding The Indian Customers For E-commerce Business.
So, before creating your business content you must know what your potential customers want to hear from you.
There are many online tools and analytics data available from where you can figure-out your potential customers needs. But, I only prefer the data which came from own business related resources like- Webmaster search queries, customer feedback and competitors websites.
Read: Know Your Audience Before Start Your Online Business
Still then, if you want to get more accurate data then you must visit your nearest physical businesses (offline version of your business) to hear your customers face to face. Don’t worry, those offline data will also work well for online businesses, because online customers are also the people like them.
Here some advanced methods;
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But, as you know that creating a useful and exact targeted content is a real challenge, especially where most of your competitors are investing a lot of money on professional content writers (copy writers also). So, you have to be more accurate while you’re planning your own business content to get a better online consumer engagement.
So, how you can create your business content yourself?
It’s really a good idea to create your own business content yourself, it's only you who know your business best. But, before going to create your business content, you really need to know that- As a business owner, you can’t create a well targeted and ideal business content for your potential customers. Because, as a business owner, you can’t speak like your customer.
Just relate your products with them:
It’s a human nature that people love to hear something from you which they like to hear from you! Your customer will never care- how beautifully you’ve created your products. They only caring about- how beautifully they can relate themselves with your business products (it might be- pricing, usefulness, designing, popularity, etc.).
For example- Let you have an online jeans store and you want to sell within India. So, it'll be a good idea for you to create your business content with the topic- "Quality jeans at low price;" because, most of the Indians want quality products at a low price.
Read: Understanding The Indian Customers For E-commerce Business.
So, before creating your business content you must know what your potential customers want to hear from you.
How to know; what your customers like to hear from you?
There are many online tools and analytics data available from where you can figure-out your potential customers needs. But, I only prefer the data which came from own business related resources like- Webmaster search queries, customer feedback and competitors websites.
Read: Know Your Audience Before Start Your Online Business
Still then, if you want to get more accurate data then you must visit your nearest physical businesses (offline version of your business) to hear your customers face to face. Don’t worry, those offline data will also work well for online businesses, because online customers are also the people like them.
Here some advanced methods;
- Complaint / Suggestion Box: You can introduce a complaint / suggestion box within your website where your customer can leave their personal message. Only a few businesses are using this tool.
- Arrange an event: It might be a little costly but here you can meet with your customers physically.
- Call your existing customers: It’s also another good way to know your customers opinion and suggestion.
- Feedback letter: You can send self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) feedback letter format to your customers to know their requirements. Here you will pay the postage charge for the both end.
- Check the successful competitors landing pages: Successful competitors have definitely done a good customer research. You can follow their advertising landing pages to know how they have targeted their potential customers. This will help you a lot in making your own business content. Type your business related keyword in Google Search and follow the advertisements.
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