Empty Pocket Pro Blogging Club; Way to Escape From It!

Different people have different point of views. But, when you're blogging for money, your view must be straight to the point! And undoubtedly, the point must be the "money"! If you're new and trying to blogging for money, then, you might be confused quite easily by the thousands of pro blogging tips all over the internet. And, it will make you an empty pocket pro blogger (The blogger who blogging for full time but not earning money) silently!

Pro bogging is a traffic generating game. Without traffic, an online business would not taste the sweetness of success. So, all the new pro blogger are running towards the traffic by following different of pro blogging tips. And, at the end of the day, although somehow they manage to get a decent traffic to their blog but, their hand remains empty!

Empty pocket pro blogger

This is the story of the maximum number of today's new pro blogger who want to make career in blogging. That means, somewhere they are definitely making a big mistake!

The Mistake, Made by the Empty Pocket Pro Bloggers;

Empty pocket Pro bloggers are running towards the traffic only not for the money!

Yes, it might sound a little odd. But, it's the fact!

Here you came to make money online, not to win a lot of traffic and subscribers. Isn't it?

It's also true that without traffic and subscribers, pro blogging is impossible! Still then, here money is the main target. Therefor, you need only those traffic and subscribers who'll give you the money. So, it is better to choose a third way where you can get both the traffic and money.

Here is a probable solution-

Start Writing For Money Also!

Stop writing only the traffic generating posts, and start writing the posts which will bring you the both traffic and money.

It doesn't mean that you need to write for money, obviously you have to write for the people first. But, write only those types posts, which will be profitable for both you and your expected audiences.

How to detect the profitable posts types?

If you're monetizing your blog with Adsense, then you can easily track the money generating posts of your blog by using the Google Analytics tools (hope you're already using). By which, you can make your upcoming post ideas quite easily.

To do this, you need to connect both Adsense and Analytics account together first. After that, you can see the list of profitable posts in- "Reporting" > "Behavior" > "AdSense Pages" section of your Analytics account. See the picture-

Profitable Pages
Otherwise, you need to set a goal in your Analytics account. Read more about Goal setting here.

If you're selling affiliate products, then see the most active posts from your affiliate account >> traffic report page. Hope your affiliate program has this option.

If you're selling something on your blog, then track the check-out page separately to detect the most referring posts.

Additional Tips: Do not aim to earn six figure money from the very beginning. You can't do this quickly, it needs a lot of time and plenty of hard work. Target only $10 to $20 par-day income which is quite possible for a newcomer. I believe, someday you'll touch the six figure income also.

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