Why I Left The Real Ad Posting Job

I've already written a lot of posts about online ad posting jobs, but, I never disclosed here that why I left this job! I think you really need to know this if you are looking for a real ad posting job. Here presenting my story about ad posting job.

In this story, I've not mentioned the name of the company where I had worked for security purpose. But, this story is applicable to the all ad posting companies.

Here are the reasons: 

Left Job

No#1. Unusual Terms And Conditions: Although, the job was easy and the company was genuine, still I had to leave the job because of their unusual terms and conditions. According to the company policy, clients are allowed to post 1500 ads in a month. But, It was almost impossible to find at last 500 free classified sites which comply company's TOS.

Beside this- once a few clients able post more than 500 ads in a month, then the company will reject their maximum ads by implementing new TOS. Not only that, some time all the approved ads will recheck without any notice. And, we all know that most of the free classified ads expire after 30 days. So, generally most of ads will not show during recheck.

Another most dangerous terms and condition is "Same Design Sites". I still don't know what the problems they are facing with same design classified sites. It's normal that two or more people can use a same free classified script to launch their classified sites. It's not violating any terms and condition of Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

I think these all are the companies policy for not to let their clients work much.

No#2. No Profit: This type of job looks like profitable but, if you look closely then you realize that it's actually a waste of time.

Here is my story-

Registration Fees- Rs 3500/- for six month. Per ad posting Rs 5/-. You can only able to post 4000 ads in a month average (if you work hard). So, here the profit calculation-

Total earning for six month- 400×6 = 2400 × 5 = Rs 12000/-.

Earnings without registration fees- 12000 - 3500 = Rs 8500/-

Earnings each month- 8500/6 = Rs 1416/-

Electric bill + Internet bill = 100 + 200 = Rs 300/- each month.

Therefore, net profit per month- 1416 - 300 = Rs 1116/-.

Now, I believe that you definitely never do a work for 1116 rupees for month.

No#3. No Future: Ad posting job is not a creative job that you can build your career on it. You never make a decent money from it by which you can maintain your family.

That is why I left this job and would like to suggest you to not join ad posting job company if you have other options to make money.

Related post:

  1. How To Set Up Your Own Ad Posting Job!

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