We generally know that commenting on other blogs will help us to drive traffic back to our own blogs. Sometime, we use this technique for link building purpose.
Many bloggers out there are leaving comments on big blogs only to get quality back links and a huge referral traffic.
But, do you know that commenting on big blogs (popular) might hurt your blog's SEO? Yes, it's true! Let's see how-
If you are a blogger, then you definitely know that every blogging platform (like- Blogger, WordPress) has the "Report Spam" option in comment section to report a comment as spam.
If a blogger report a comment as spam, then the system will automatically block the commentor for next time and his comment will be stored in the spam folder. Not only that, the system will also report search engines to take actions against spam marked websites.
Therefore, if you have been marked as spam several times by different bloggers, then it definitely hurt your overall SEO and you will be blocked for every blog commenting (The spam identifying tool will block you) who have been using the same spam identifying tool.
Now, if you are new in blogging, then say honestly- how many times you have failed to comment on big blogs like Problogger.net? I know, it was for several times!
Not only the Problogger, there are many several big blogs which never publish comments from strangers easily. There is a big chance for you to be marked as spam. And, it's the fact that thousand of blogs have been marked as spam every day in this way.
Therefore, sometimes commenting on big blogs might give you an opposite effect instead of huge traffic.
Now, I would like to hear something from you about that-
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Many bloggers out there are leaving comments on big blogs only to get quality back links and a huge referral traffic.
But, do you know that commenting on big blogs (popular) might hurt your blog's SEO? Yes, it's true! Let's see how-
How commenting might hurt your blog?
If you are a blogger, then you definitely know that every blogging platform (like- Blogger, WordPress) has the "Report Spam" option in comment section to report a comment as spam.
If a blogger report a comment as spam, then the system will automatically block the commentor for next time and his comment will be stored in the spam folder. Not only that, the system will also report search engines to take actions against spam marked websites.
Therefore, if you have been marked as spam several times by different bloggers, then it definitely hurt your overall SEO and you will be blocked for every blog commenting (The spam identifying tool will block you) who have been using the same spam identifying tool.
Now, if you are new in blogging, then say honestly- how many times you have failed to comment on big blogs like Problogger.net? I know, it was for several times!
Not only the Problogger, there are many several big blogs which never publish comments from strangers easily. There is a big chance for you to be marked as spam. And, it's the fact that thousand of blogs have been marked as spam every day in this way.
Therefore, sometimes commenting on big blogs might give you an opposite effect instead of huge traffic.
Now, I would like to hear something from you about that-
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Don't try to post promotional items, spam items, hate items. I hate spammers and please help us to keep the internet clean! Website links within comment will be removed immediately-