Why Your Business Blog Failed to Generate Enough Business Conversion

Here is no doubt that your business need to have a blog to set a content marketing goal for today's competitive market. But, it's also true that almost two-third of good business blogs has failed to generate enough business conversion. 

So, if you're also getting zero results from your business blog then, here is no need to be so frustrated because, you're not alone here. Just try to find your mistakes.

Blogging for Business

The Big Reason: There might be a several reasons behind this, but I think the most important one is- improper usage of business blog.

Business is all about planning, and you have to plan-out everything before start a business, even your business blog. Only generating a huge traffic to your business blog by creating ideal contents is not enough to fulfill your business goal. You need to use those traffic in a proper way that you can also generate enough business conversion for that.

Most of the business owners are using their blog to get targeted audiences from search engines and branding purpose, but they field to convert their targeted audience into potential customers. Because, people reads blog-posts to get information only not to buy something. 

It's also true that there are too many blogs which are generating a huge affiliate sales by only providing useful contents to the targeted people. Now, if you are thinking that you can also follow those techniques to make business conversions using your own business blog then, you are definitely doing a serious mistake. 

Because, those blogs (blog posts) are totally designed to sell affiliate products by providing reviews type articles about different brands. You can't do that because, your business blog is only for your business. You can't write about other's business or brands here. Therefor, generating sell directly using your blog traffic is a Bad Idea!

The correct way to use your business blog; 9 unbeatable tips.

  1. Don't design your blog / blog-posts to generate direct sales from your business blog!
  2. Create blog contents to increase your business reputation among your targeted readers!
  3. Put related business offers / products / services as content hyperlink
  4. Advertise your business offers on your blog side bars.
  5. Your blog's "About Us" page should belong to your business and it should contain a sentence like- This blog is presented by "your business name" or something like that. This will increase your business reputation among your readers.
  6. Put related blog contents on your product / service pages that customers can find all the product related information under your business domain. This can increase your conversion rate.
  7. Put the social profile of your business on your blog that your business can get more social recommendation from your blog.
  8. Never use different domain for your business blog. It's best your use a sub domain like- blog.yourbusiness.com
  9. Deliver only useful contents to your targeted audiences. Don't be commercial while you're writing your blog content. 
Remember business blog is not to get a direct business conversion. Your business needs to have a business blog, because it needs to increase its reputation.

Related Posts:
  1. Why You Need To Blogging For Your Business? Top 10 Reasons
  2. Know Your Audience Before Start Your Online Business
  3. Manage Negative Reviews and Save Your Business;
  4. How to Improve Your Shopping Cart and Conversion Rate

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