Measuring The Most Profitable Traffic Source For Your AdSense Revenue.

It's the fact that all types of traffic like- social, referral and organic may not give you the same amount of Adsense revenue. The effective traffic source for your Adsense revenue is depends on your topic and content types ("quality" of course).

But you need to drive the maximum number of traffic to your site from that source which is the most effective for your Adsense revenue. So, first of all you need to measure the most effective traffic source for your Adsense ads. Let's see how we can measure the effective traffic source for Adsense revenue using the Google Anaytics data-

Make money AdSense

Google Analytics to Measure the most effective traffic source

You can easily figure-out your most effective traffic source for Adsense using your Google Analytics data. To do that, you need to connect your Adsense account with Google Analytics first. 

After connecting both accounts, you can easily see the most effective traffic source for your Adsense revenue in Google Analytics by a few simple steps (it will take a few days to show all Adsense data in your analytics account). Now-
  • Go to your Analytics Home.
  • Click your site account. For the multiple site users- click the account which you want to track.
  • Click on BehaviorPublisherPublisher Pages (Update). Now you can see the one month Adsense revenue graph along with the pages where the clicks are received. 
  • To get traffic sources click on Secondary dimensions just bellow the graph.
  • Now click Acquisition > and then Source. Now you can see the one month Adsense revenue pages along with traffic sources. 
Here is my Analytics data! You can see any period data by selecting a Date Range.

Google Analytics Publisher reposrt
Click to enlarge

Here you can see that my Analytics data saying that I should work more on SEO to boost up my Adsense earnings. So, go to your Analytics account to know what types of traffic are best for your Adsense revenue.

Hope it'll help you! Thanks for reading!


  1. Hello Admin,
    Most of my traffic coming from Google search engine. but some day. My CPC is very low. What's a reason behind this.
    I will follow your rules to analysis my adsense earning.

    1. Hello Mr. Irfan! Welcome to the Internet Business.

      Yes, it's an issue that sometime CPC will be low even a majority of traffic coming from search engines. It may be for many reasons like- your website is displaying low CPC ads or the clicked ads are CPE bidding ( CPE bidding means cost per engagement. You'll be paid full cost when users will engage on the advertiser's website after clicking. Otherwise your CPC will be low for CPE bib\dding types).

      Go to your Adsensedashbord >> click Performance Report >> Check Bid Types for a certain day.

    2. Thanks Majharul,
      I checked my bid type,
      Most of my income from CPC and then CPM and the CPE
      any way thanks for quickly. Thanks

  2. Thanks for providing this type of information here regarding ad sense information. Every business men who runs ad sense account must to know that how much their ad provide CPC or CPM to their revenue thanks for information here

    Happy New Year 2015

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  6. This is a great article, that I really enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing.

  7. This is a really super post. Must admit that you are amid the best writer I have read. I appreciate your making the effort to discuss this class of article.

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