Easiest ways to promote Facebook page over your Facebook account.

A Facebook page is a social identity of your business. You can get closure to your audience and customer using this social page from Facebook.

Today Facebook is the strongest social network in the world. Almost one billion of people use Facebook in every single day. So, here is no question about why should every business need to have a Facebook page. 

There is plenty of business which is already driving the huge number of quality traffic to their website using the Facebook page. This is a very effective and smart way to generate traffic to your online business. You just only need to know the process to promote it.

Some easiest ways to promote the Facebook page:

No#1. By commenting: I know that you already have a Facebook account. But, do you know that you can promote your Facebook business page by commenting on others status? Here is the process-

You can attach your Facebook page with your comments by writing @<name of your Facebook page> (with no space). See the picture below.

Facebook Comments
After commenting, your Facebook page will appear with your comments like this-
Facebook page
No#2. Inviting friends: You can invite your friends directly from your Facebook page. Once your friends like your page then every update in your page will reach them. 
Invite option
No#3. By status updating: When ever you write something on your own Facebook status, put your Facebook page after @ (without space). It will look like this-

Now, if you know some good method then please share with us... 


  1. Hey Hossain,

    Those are some good tips but hopefully your business page is a little more personal then just a business name. I know for me it's hard to have a conversation with someone who hides behind their business logo and name. I get what they're trying to accomplish but this is about building relationships with people.

    Great tips though, I can't deny that!


  2. Thanks Adrinne!

    This is very nice to see you here. Thanks for writing your thoughts.


Please Note:

Don't try to post promotional items, spam items, hate items. I hate spammers and please help us to keep the internet clean! Website links within comment will be removed immediately-

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