Monetize Your Blog Perfectly- With Chitika ad Network.

Many web publisher recommends Chitika just after Google AdSense. In fact Chitika is the real alternative of Google Adsense because of it's ad's quality and popularity. 

Chitika Inc. founded in 2003 in India. This ad network displays three types of ads to their publisher's website i.e- Search targeted ads, Local ads and Mobile ads. You can monetize your blog or website by displaying all three types of Chitika ads under one approved account.

The company has also launched three valuable applications called Chitika Apps (such as Chitika Linx, Chitika Hover and Chitika Highlight) which are very useful to optimize Chitika ads on your website.

Monetization of websiteType of Chitika ads;

There are three type of Chitika ads-

No#1.Search Targeted Ads: As Chitika is a search targeting advertising network so, the system display ads on your site by targeting visitor search queries. That means people can see their search keyword related ads on your site. So, here is a great chance to get maximum click on Chitika ads. 

No#2. Local Ads: Chitika displays local ads on your site when a user search for a local results. For example- if a user search for flower in New York, then Chitika will display some flower ads on your site (depending on ads availability). This is the most effective way to get maximum user attention.

Mobile Ads: Chitika Mobile Ads are different from others. Chitika targets both the website and user's mobile devices to display more perfect Chitika ads. At this point, Chitika is better than all while today more than half of the internet surfing happened using mobile devices (updated).

Chitika also use both Search targeted ads and Local ads technology in Mobile divices.

Advantage of using Chitika:

  1. Chitika serves search queries based ads on your site. That means you will get maximum clicks from your organic traffic.
  2. Chitika serves local ads based on local search queries. That means you can serve the right ads to the right visitor.
  3. People can see the perfect fit Chitika ads on their mobile devices.
  4. You can maximize your revenue by using Chitika Linx, Chitika Hover and Chitika Highlight apps. 
  5. You can use Chitika with AdSense.
Disadvantage of using Chitika: 
  1. Main disadvantage of Chitika is- you can never earn higher revenue if you don't have enough US or Canada traffic. Chitika gives maximum Click through rate for US and Canada traffic.
  2. Chitika shows less content related ads so, you will not get a decent revenue if you don't have much organic traffic.
So, Chitika would be the best advertising network for your website or blog if you have much organic traffic from US and Canada. 

Sign-up for Chitika today to monetize your website or blog. 


  1. I've never heard of Chitika ads, so thanks for this information and for letting us know a bit about the pros and cons,


  2. Hi Hossain,
    I know of Chitika in fact, i have account with them which i registered when i started blogging, but I've not been using the account for a long time now.

    May consider using them again later.

    Thanks for sharing.


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