Join relevant blogging community to get more quality traffic.

It has proved that you have to produce your salable product in front of the right people to increase your online sell.

So, you need to promote your blog in a perfect way along with quality contents, right keywords and correct choice of products to increase your online sale.

As people goes to the vegetable market to sell their vegetable, similarly you have to join into the accurate blogging community to get more relevant customer to your blog. It is quite clear that the traffic come from a technology blog will not be so relevant to you if your blog is related to travelling.   

So, you have to join into a blogging community where most of blogger is writing about travelling.

Benefits of joining the right (relevant) community:

A relevant blogging community will give you a lot of quality traffic on your blog.
Suppose Mr. Bob is a very popular blogger about travelling and huge number of people is visits his blog to know some trifling matters about travelling every day. Now if you put your back link on Mr. Bob’s blog by your comments, then some travel lovers will also come to your blog followed by your back links. 
That means you will gain some traffic from Mr. Bob’s blog who might be interested on your travelling related products.

The good news is many Mr. Bob is presence in that type of blogging community. So, there are also huge chances to get a lot of quality traffic to your blog.

So, join your blog related blogging community to get more quality traffic.

Conclusion: To get more quality traffic-

  1. Write quality contents.
  2. Target your perfect group of audience by choosing more relevant keywords and title.
  3. Join the perfect blogging community.

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  1. HI Hossain

    I was referred to the blogging community on facebook but it is not working for me, I don't really know the reasons for the same.


  2. Hi Sapna!
    Thanks for comment.

    I'm very sorry to know that Facebook is not working for you! Facebook is very complex issue on targeting. You have to consider on many vital points before targeting your audience on Facebook. For example- 1. Why your targeting audience using Facebook? 2. What they like? 3. Their hobbies, etc. Otherwise it will not working.

    Target your topic related audiences for better result.

  3. Hi there,

    I agree, it's very important to make connections with other bloggers in your area of interest and to build relationships. It's not clear,though, whether you mean people should join formal blogging networks or just network informally by getting out and about in the blogosphere - it would be helpful if you explained exactly what you mean by a 'blogging community'. I think a newbie reading this might be a bit confused.


  4. You are right, I'll remember this lesson..


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