5 fundamental tips to make a successful blog

Blogging is one of the most serious profession today. You can fulfill your all needs by being a successful blogger. Many people have chosen blogging as their profession. Today income opportunity from blogging has increased with extreme usage of online advertising. And that is the reason why thousands of people stream in every second from all over the world in blogging profession every day.

But the main problem is, most of the people does not acquire success in blogging. Because, they join in blogging profession by following some common blog making tips without knowing the fundamental theory of blogging.

Fundamental blogging theories:

Here some fundamental blogging theories which can help you to make a successful blog.

1. Enjoy blogging: First of all you should enjoy blogging to acquire real success in your blogging career. You can’t go on so long if you’re not enjoying your work.

A reflection of your mind is always appears in your work. So, if you’re not enjoying blogging then how your readers will enjoy your blog?   

2. Be more frank with your readers: You not just writes for your readers in your blog, actually you talk with your readers here. So, write more frankly that your readers can feel you closer to their heart. This is an important move to make your readers back again and again in your blog.

3. Scan your readers: Scan your readers behavior on your blog. Points out there like and dislikes and make your blog more valuable to your readers.
You may use Google Analytics to watch your reader behavior in your blog. Bounce rate lase than 30 percent is indicating a good behavior of readers.

4. Give your readers routine wise food: Nobody likes to eat same food again and again. So we all eat different kinds of foods everyday to keep our test intact. 

Exactly for the same reason you should change your discussion matter routine wise that your readers will not get bored to read same type of posts again again. 

5. Be breve: Don't fear to post new ideas in your blog. Don't think so much just post your own and unique ideas to make people crazy. 

Believe in yourself, you definitely can do this...


  1. Hi there,

    I love this post - you make some really good points and I especially like the ones about enjoying yourself, being open with your readers and being brave.

    Your readers will have more fun reading your content if you really try to engage with them and have the courage to share a bit of yourself.

    Great advice!


    1. Thanks for appreciating,
      I also believe that there is also need some entertainment with valuable information. It is the great way to attract people to your blog.


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