Today I am going to write for those bloggers who has been suffering for lack of traffic even they has spent a lot of time to write in their blog.
First I would like to say that the value of a man is determined by his work. It depends on what he/she gives to society. The valuation of a person is never determined by his/her face.
Similarly, the valuation of your blog depends on how valuable things it can give to it's readers. Readers will never come to see your well-decorated blog by wasting their valuable time, if you unable left some valuable things for them into your blog.
Now the question is how can you put some valuable thing into your blog?
Always remember, there is no indigence of valuable things and also here is no end of it's demand. There are all kinds of reader present on the internet. this is no matter that what kind of subject you have. Readers will find you, if you write some valuable thing for them.
You can write some most relevant post about your subject by following three steps below..
Step#1. Stop and think for a while:
To write some valuable post for your readers, you should set-up your subject matter first. And for this you have to think about the subject for a while. Whimsically writing is a very bad habit.
First give yourself some time to think the importance of the subject. Then think what portion of the subject you want to write. It is best that if you think at your spare time. Don't think in front of your computer.
First I would like to say that the value of a man is determined by his work. It depends on what he/she gives to society. The valuation of a person is never determined by his/her face.
Similarly, the valuation of your blog depends on how valuable things it can give to it's readers. Readers will never come to see your well-decorated blog by wasting their valuable time, if you unable left some valuable things for them into your blog.
Now the question is how can you put some valuable thing into your blog?
Always remember, there is no indigence of valuable things and also here is no end of it's demand. There are all kinds of reader present on the internet. this is no matter that what kind of subject you have. Readers will find you, if you write some valuable thing for them.
You can write some most relevant post about your subject by following three steps below..
Step#1. Stop and think for a while:
First give yourself some time to think the importance of the subject. Then think what portion of the subject you want to write. It is best that if you think at your spare time. Don't think in front of your computer.
Step#2. Do a research:
Step#3. Write your whole research in your blog perfectly:
After finishing writing read yourself again and again. Keep editing your article until you fully satisfied with your writing.
Again remember here in blogging platform your writing is your identity.You can't go a long distance if you unable to write some valuable for your readers. So, keep researching and keep writing.
Best of luck...
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Hello - you make some important points here. I think one of the first things is to know who your target audience is - you need to know who your readers are, so that you can start researching what kind of things they want to hear about. Then you can make your content relevant to the people who matter.
You mean write for readers. Actually all the famous blogger who says that write for you not for readers, they are also writes for their readers. Even all the post belongs to readers in which they have told to write for you. So, you are write that target your audience first.. thanks for replay..