Blog Content Writing Tips; Do's and Don'ts

If you are new in blogging platform, then it's good to know that blogging is not so easy anymore. Today blogging has become a challenging online business, especially when you're blogging for money. You need to make your blog perfect from every angle to make any impact on your targeted group of audiences.

Many people are saying that you can increase traffic by regular posting. But, practically the concept is not true! Traffic to your blog is totally depends on the quality of your post, not the quantity. So, before publishing your next blog post, you have to think twice that- are you really adding value in your post or you're just repeating somebody else?

If your blog post is really interesting, valuable and unique to your readers, then, they will come back to your blog several times, otherwise they'll just pass away to the other place. So, only post when you have something new and interesting.

Do's and Don'ts of blog content writing

Do's and Don'ts of Writing a Blog Content;

As per today's public and search engines demand, an ideal blog content should have two sections-

  1. Reading Section. Which might also be considered as users experience.
  2. SEO section. This section is totally dedicated to the search engines.

1. Reading Section: In this section, you need to maintain a high quality user experience by your writing style and content producing style. Your writing style should be unique and easy to understand. You should always remember that you're writing for the world wide audiences and everybody would not be able to read hard English.

It's also good to put some high quality and meaningful images (under creative common licenses like-unsplash) into your article. It'll help to grab social media attention on your post. Don't try to put images which are under copyright licence.

2. SEO section: This section is a little complex, but not so tough. You can boost your post's search engine visibility by the steps below-

  • Keyword Targeting: People use keywords to search the web. so, you need to target perfect match keywords to show your post in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant queries. The best placement of keywords are in the post title, search description (also known as meta description) and into the first few lines of your post. Always try to target lower competitive and long-tail keywords that your post can rank better. Use keywords when it necessary, don't overload it.
  • Use Meta Tags: Meta tags are only for the search engines not for the human users.  Meta tags are the best way to tell search engines- what your post is about and what is the most important part of your post. There are many meta tags are available but, you mainly need Title tag (<title>Post title here</title>), meta description (<meta content='a short description of your content which is only visible to the search engines and search results pages' name='description'/>), h1 and h2 tags.
  • Outgoing Links: As per Google Webmaster guideline, link schemes is not only happens to the external links it can be also happen to the outgoing links from your post. So, think twice before linking a less trusted external source (as a supporting contents). You should always use a rel="nofollow" attribute for those links to prevent your blog from negative ranking in search results.

    Conclusion: Now, serious blogging is not just sharing your thoughts and experiences in the world! You need to make your blog perfect to make your blogging career successful. Value is the King, not the content! So, only write- when you have something really valuable to write.

    SEO factors are important, but, don't think much about SEO. Just don't violate the webmaster guidelines. Only focus on your readers' demands and deliver something interesting to them. Your blog will be successful very soon. 

    Updated on- 25/07/2015

    Related Posts:
    1. Advanced Keyword Research Using the Google Keyword Planner
    2. Top 4 powerful ways to promote a website for free.
    3. SEO Article Writing.

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