Protect your privacy while you are surfing the web

Today internet is one of the most essential part of our daily life. Shopping, invest in share market, entertainment, news updates, live program... everything has been done online. But do you ever think that 'what about your privacy?'. Your all personal data will intact in server when ever you register with a website.

For example, when you use a mobile phone, your cell EMI number, time of call, calling number,your location, your identity everything has been saved for security purpose. Exactly in same way, every net user will leave a digital foot print when ever they surf internet.

Yes it is true that the website may have a strong privacy policy. But it is also true that they can make change there privacy policy time to time. If a website never misuses your personal data, then it will be OK. Otherwise it will be a very critical problem to you. So,you should need to follow some rule to save yourself online-  
  • Allows make transaction with secure server (starting with HTTPS)
  • Do not give your credit/debit card number to insecure websites (not starting with HTTPS)
  • Do not use your 3D secure password (which used for internet payments) any other place.
  • Do not use same password for different websites. ( example-Don't use Gmail password with your Gmail address for registering other website) 
  • Update regularly your passwords.
  • Do not give your full proper address and any id proof documents issued by government to untrusted websites.
  • Do not try to response spam emails.
  • Avoid illegal searching on Google or any search engine ( like ATM hacking, how to make Bomb, buying guns, etc).
  • Do not store your sensitive private data in cloud storage.
  • Keep Anti Malware up-to-date.
  • If you noticed some unexpected balance deduction form your bank after using card online, please contact your bank immediately and close the account as soon as possible.And file a report to local police station.

If you know any other rule please share here. It might be helpful to others...

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