Difference Between Google.com and Google.co.in

Here is a huge difference between Google.com and Google.co.in . Lets discuss about this..

Google.com is universal version or the original version
 (also called USA version) of Google search engine. But on the other hand, Google.co.in is the Indian version search engine of Google Inc. Google provide it's service in many countries in the world like U.K, Australia, Pakistan, New Zealand, Russia, China, etc. See the full list of Google regional domains from Wikipedia.

Actually Google offers regional version of search engines to improve its search results to the people. In general, people mostly looking for a product or 
service within their country not internationally. That is why Google's regional search engines gives priority to the country based results first. 

That means, if you are in India and using Google.co.in, so you would see the results which belongs to India first. But, if you using Google.com then you can see the result world wide based. Just follow the screen shoots. 

I just use the letter 'a' to show the search difference between Google.co.in and Google.com 

1. Google.co.in
Searching result of the letter 'a' in Google.co.in
2. Google.com 
Searching result of the letter 'a' in Google.com
 So, if you are looking for an international product or service then you must use the Google.com. 

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